Home Maintenance March 23, 2022

Landscaping Trends That Increase Value

Are you thinking of putting your house up for sale? While interior renovations can give your home a stunning makeover, nothing sells a house as quickly as a spruced up front yard. Read on below for some of the best landscaping trends that can help increase the value of your home.

Shrubs and Trees

Trees and shrubs are a great addition to any kind of landscaping project, and you’ll find that many experts will recommend them to increase a home’s value. Trees that mature can increase a property’s value by 4% to 20%, so be sure to strategically place them around your property. However, keep in mind that they will need to grow away from driveways, septic systems, and the house itself to avoid root damage.

Moreover, give your shrubs some love, because failing to take care of them will be obvious to potential buyers. Be sure to prune the shrubs and bushes around your home and remove dead branches or overgrowth. Doing this will help them grow healthy, which is key to maintaining your landscape for a long time.

Tidy Garden

Never underestimate the value of having a tidy garden or front yard. How our lawn looks will have a great impact on how potential buyers will view your property as a whole, so be sure that it looks as great and presentable as possible. At the very least, your lawn should:

Luckily, maintaining your lawn won’t break your budget and is relatively inexpensive. Furthermore, it returns most of your investment, so it’s a win-win situation. However, should you choose to neglect your lawn, you may be throwing money away while sending a bad message to potential buyers — that you’re not out to impress.

If you’re thinking of selling during the summer, be sure you know how to keep your lawn healthy during those hot months!

Landscaped Pathway

The path to the front door is likely the first thing that people will see and walk on, so be sure to make it enticing and desirable. Making this area as attractive as possible will make a good impression — having a small hedge or plants on each side is ideal. Moreover, be sure to repair cracks or use a pressure washer to lift away slime or dirt that may spoil a perfect first impression.


Setting up nice lighting won’t just enhance the security around your house, but it can also help to increase its value. Solar-powered and LED kinds of lighting are great alternatives to traditional lighting. Having lights around your lawn can work wonders, such as:

  • Prevent tripping
  • Illuminates the lawn at night
  • Silhouettes trees
  • Deters robbers

According to experts, lighting is one of the most desired outdoor features by many homebuyers. Moreover, well-placed and stylish outdoor lights produce an ROI between 50% to 60%, while great lighting can increase your home’s value by as much as 20%.

Increase Your Home’s Value Today

No matter what landscaping trend you use, there’s no doubt that any one of them can be used to increase the value of your home. All the options above provide a win-win situation, so be sure to take full advantage of them.